Fiber Art

Needlefelting is the craft of shaping raw or dyed wool into sculptures using a special barbed needle. All of the following were handcrafted by me with care or -when I stabbed myself with the needle- obscenities.

Fiber Art Series: The Octoverse

'Strange Headfellows'

Needlefelted wool + mixed media

Every cosmonaut knows there are inherent risks when exploring the celestial beaches of Alpha Centauri, but few expect to run into a fellow traveler from the multiverse. Pleasantries are exchanged, a lengthy many-armed handshake occurs, a swift invasion of personal space, and then a quiet, inevitable surrender. 

Thankfully, besides the one quirk of devouring most of your head, this interstellar octopus is generous and will leave a bit of your brain to chat with and still enjoy the beautiful galactic scenery. Not quite symbiotic, but at least you don't have to make so many life decisions anymore.

'The Call of Cthulhu'

Needlefelted wool + mixed media

When Cthulhu calls, you better pick up. And what might be on the other end? A vision into the writhing, black seas of infinity whose truth would drive a mortal mad, and turn all they love into poison until they fling themselves off the edge of existence? Or maybe some nice hold music?

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn! May you never know.

'Creature From the Deep (Space)'

Needlefelted wool + mixed media

This cosmic cephalopod came to our dimension responding to distress signals from her earthly brethren, but had a slight misunderstanding and went through a porthole instead of a portal.

Nevertheless, she made it through and is trying to spread the word that octopuses are too incredible to eat! Help her and consider the intelligence, sentience, and otherworldly beauty of our invertebrate friends.

‘The Galactopus Topper’

Needlefelted wool + mixed media

A marvel of multidimensional technology, the Galactopus Topper has successfully melded your everyday evening wear with an intergalactic polypus, ready to ratatouille you through all social interactions with ease.

Octopuses, and especially multidimensional ones, are masters of memory and multitasking. The Galactopus Topper will assist you in remembering the names of those with even the most forgettable faces and keep track of conversation, body language, and stifled yawns.

A friendly tap on the shoulder will let you know when your joke is floundering harder than, well, a flounder. Never miss a flirtation again, though be aware that the Topper will turn a lovely crimson hue if feelings are reciprocated. And for the even less socially inclined, rest assured that you will at least be able to hold 8 more hors d'oeuvres.

'In Memory of Whales'

Life size vertebrae of a grey whale
Polyfill and wool

In Baja, marine animals are constantly washing ashore once their life in the water is over. Locals collect whale bones and display them in their yards, businesses, and restaurants. One whale washing up can provide beautiful pieces for an entire neighborhood.

I was inspired by all these bones and the new life they had on land, coupled with the intimate experience I had with living grey whales there. Every piece is a reminder of the soul that the waters hold and the incredible individuals we share our earth with.